“Coaching is an art, and it’s far easier said than done. It takes courage to ask a question rather than offer up advice, provide an answer, or unleash a solution.” – Brene Brown
  • What is it I want? Getting clarity can be the first goal you can work on with a coach. When you get clear on what you wish to achieve and what would be important to you and look for that in a coach.
  • What kind of coach do I need? There’s a coach for everybody out there. Business. life, holistic, career, health, meditation and more.  What would suit you and your style? I coach with humor, and insight and intuitively get to the core issue quickly and effectively; skills honed after coaching for 25 years of working in counseling and coaching. 
  • How much should I pay? All coaching is an investment in you. You also have to be prepared to invest in emotional equity and give it time and patience too. 
  • Do I prefer structure?I don’t use A-Z programs. My coaching sessions are totally customized to suit your needs, your goals, and your personality. 
  • What results have they achieved with other clients? Do look at the testimonials and if need be ask to speak to a satisfied client. On my website, you will see many testimonials from all types of people and different stages in their lives. Let their stories guide you.
  • What results have they achieved in their lives? One of the great things about being a coach is that you have to walk the talk! I have gone before you in my own counseling and coaching. 
  • Will the coach give me advice? In a word NO. We come from the position that you have all the great abilities within you to get to where you want to be. We help you find your key to unlock your own talent so you are powerfully able to create a life you will live not just now but forever more.
  • Do I trust and have chemistry with the coach? This is a MUST! Trust is the foundation. You have to like and trust your coach or the process won’t work. Equally the coach may say that they don’t see the relationship being a good fit and may recommend another coach.
  • What does my heart say? You should follow your intuition and gut – feel eager to meet and work with your coach. You should feel they start from a place of caring.
  • Coaching can be fun, enlightening, and deeply life-changing. You should feel truly joyous to be working with the coach of your choice. 

People do you care what you know until they know that you care! 

Joy is Happiness Liberated from Circumstances

"Everything can be taken from a man but one thing: the last of the human freedoms - to choose one's attitude in any given set of circumstances, to choose one's own way" Victor Frankl